To be fierce means to show a heartfelt and powerful intensity. When my business partner and I came up with this phrase, it instantaneously captured the very sentiment we were looking for. We wanted to find a way to communicate the importance and power of embracing your passion, as you embark on the unapologetic pursuit of your goals and dreams.
Living your Fierce is different for everyone. It can mean to love fiercely, to laugh fiercely, to pursue, to choose, to change, to feel, to experience something fiercely. It sounds aggressive and maybe it is, but it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t have to be loud, obnoxious, or extremely intense. It should be powerful though. When I read the phrase “Live Your Fierce”, I get this vision of a massive lion growling atop Pride Rock… which of course is followed by singing Hakuna Matata… and then I hear James Earl Jones’ voice telling me to live my fierce (major Lion King fan here). I digress.

Living My Fierce meant putting all of my proverbial eggs in one basket and moving to BC to pursue a career in stunts. It was scary, full of uncertainties and challenged me both physically and psychologically. I owe so many for helping me get to where I am. For finding my fierce and unapologetically living that every day. The other side of my fierce, is one of a coach.
It has taken me more than 2 years to gain the courage to put this company together. To gather the conviction, confidence and f*ck it attitude to share what I’m most passionate about with my circle of friends, colleagues and beyond. I mean, I’ve posted and documented much of my journey thanks to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I have not, however, shared my passion for coaching and inspiring others to learn to move with the online world. To help others find their fierce.
Haters are everywhere, critics abound, and an ill-placed need to only put out flawlessly edited / filtered content had paralyzed my efforts. But anyone who has taken one of my classes, workshops, private lessons or shared a training session with me, knows that I am off-the-charts enthusiastic, crazy and genuinely passionate about teaching people superhero level skills. I also believe that there remains a shortage of female led content out there. That had to change and I couldn’t sit at and home and complain about it unless I was willing to contribute to changing things.
I would catch so many members of my social circles try and concede that they “can’t” do something. I emphatically disagreed with all of them. Major physical impediments aside, a good instructor, some decent progressions and little (and sometimes a little more) time on task can bring the “can’t” club members to the “I just did it!” side. For a coach, that transformation is like nothing else. It’s the reason many of us teach.
So I want to offer others the opportunity to transform from a “can’t” club member to a “just did it!” club member. Find a way to live your fierce. The task, event or lifestyle does not have to be extreme, it just has to be the most honest representation of how you see your true self. Growl like Mufasa if you have to, it sure helps me, and share with me how you Live Your Fierce???
